Sunday, May 23, 2010

Unexpected Consequence: Increased CO2 Could Affect Nutritional Value of Crops

By: Megan Treacy

Summary: Rising levels of CO2 could not only affect the climate but it could also affect the nutritional value of Crops. Co2 can reduce as much as 20 percent of protein in the crops.

Response: This new study will not fair well to the american and world society. We need to reduce the CO2 right away but its too late

Oyster Offshore Wave Generator is 2.5x better than Predecessor

Date: 5/20/10
By: Philip Proefrock

Summary: The brand new oyster 2 will be testing for much of 2010 and is planned to be released in 2011. The new oyster will use three wave devices connected to a single power genertaion station to produce 2.4 megawatts of electricity.

Response: This will produce so much energy and we should invest in it more.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Super-Insulator Aerogel could also clean up oil spills

Megan Treacy

Summary: Aerogel which is a material that is 37 times better than fiberglass as insulation could also be used to be the perfect cleanup tool for oil spills. Its low density and mostly air make-up makes it perfect to absorb a lot of oil.

Response: Too bad this product isn't in large scale production because the current oil spill is very tragic.

Throw Out the Spare Tire, Replace it with an electric bike?

Megan Treacy

Summary: For the people who are trying to save money on gas and would like an easier way to get around town, there is the new volkswagen electric bike that folds down into a small disk.

Response: This is genious because it allows people to park their cars outside of town and do all there shopping in-town with their bikes!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

4/18/10 2

At Upstate Campus, Saving Energy is Part of Dorm Life

Lisa Fordraro
New York Times

The Energy Star label is the federal government’s nod of approval for energy efficient products, such as household appliances like refrigerators and air-conditioners. But at Ithaca College, a campus known for its embrace of all things sustainable, two dormitories proudly wear the Energy Star label, too.

It's great that this college is so energy efficient. More colleges and universities definitely need to follow Ithaca College in this direction, and become more eco-friendly.  

4/18/10 1

Florida: A Bad Winter for Slithering

The Associated Press
New York Times

An unseasonably cold winter may have taken care of what python hunters could not. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission says cold weather may have killed up to 50 percent of the state’s pythons.

This article is pretty pointless.  Yeah, Florida had a cold winter, we know.  This article was three sentences long, there was not enough information about this topic.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Ahead of Schedule, An LED Light for us All

Date: 4/8/10
By: Hank Green

Summary: Today GE announced that they will have a LED light available by the end of 2010. The bulb fits into any regular light socket and will produce the same amount of light that a 40 watt bulb will produce but only using 7 watts and lasting up to 17 years.

Response: This lightbulb will be the best thing in lighting since it was invented and will help us become more efficient.